InnovationThe top 5 fintech trends for 2020
Finance professionals are focusing on innovation and adaptability in 2020, according to a survey.
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Finance professionals are focusing on innovation and adaptability in 2020, according to a survey.
Research from Atlas VPN found that criminals' net proceeds outpace the revenue made by tech giants each year.
We used to assess a piece of writing by the standing of its author and its source. But that will no longer be the case when a machine has done the wordsmithing.
Microsoft purchased Skype about two weeks ago and every pundit on the planet has weighed in with their verdict, now it's your turn: A good thing or a bad thing?
If your budget is tight and you're tired of dealing with crash-prone accounting software, you might want to take GnuCash for a spin. Here are some of the best ways to take advantage of this open source solution.
Security risks continue to grow for organizations both large and small. Brien Posey offers 10 suggestions for making sure your networks are as well protected as possible.
Don't get blindsided by some legal misstep you never even heard of. Calvin Sun runs through the nitty-gritty issues all consultants should be prepared for.
When something goes wrong with QuickBooks, the consequences can be pretty dire. Luckily, many common problems are easy to fix -- once you know about them.
Getting your clients to pay for your work can be tougher than the work itself. Here are some ways to keep the cash flow steady.
To deliver value, IT departments must keep a tight rein on how they use their budget - and that includes development efforts. Justin James cites some of the most common areas where IT throws its development bucks down the drain.
Your IT department can't succeed or contribute value to the organization unless you have the respect and trust of the executive team and your customers. Here are some strategies that will help you build a solid reputation for your IT group.
This information is also available as a PDF download. Like it or not, network administrators these days must take on the added task of playing Big Brother — monitoring employees’ use of the computers and network. Even if the company’s management philosophy allows for some private use of company equipment, you often need to know ...
When you have a lot of users changing data, it's easy for things to go wrong. But if you keep an audit trail of data input changes, you'll be able to determine which operators are consistently making mistakes (or not). You can also quickly fix problems before erroneous data wreaks havoc. This easy-to-implement solution will help you monitor who's changing data and when.
Audit logs are not really practical for security auditing but can be invaluable in troubleshooting DHCP server-related issues. In this article, Brien Posey discusses the anatomy of a DHCP server audit log.
You've gone to the effort of creating policies in your organization and implementing them. How do you know that they're being enforced and used? That's where a policy audit comes in. Tom Mochal shows you how it works.